Open Access Publications

This page gives an overview of SystemC articles and papers published under Open Access, Public Domain or Creative Commons license.

NOTE: Papers with controlled or restricted access can be found on the publisher's website and are not referenced here.

Another good resource for SystemC related publications is the DVCon Proceedings Archive.

Please let us know if a publication is missing or needs update.

Title Author(s) Conference or Journal Source
The art of temporal decoupling Niko Zurstraßen; Ruben Brandhofer; José Cubero-Cascante; Nils Bosbach; Lukas Jünger; Rainer Leupers VLSI Journal Integration, Volume 101, March 2025 Elsevier / ScienceDirect
Using virtual prototypes and metamorphic testing to verify the hardware/software-stack of embedded graphics libraries Christoph Hazott; Florian Stögmüller; Daniel Große VLSI Journal Integration, Volume 101, March 2025 Elsevier / ScienceDirect
RISC-V VP++: Next generation open-source virtual prototype Manfred Schlägl; Christoph Hazott; Daniel Große Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation, 2024 University
A RISC-V "V" VP: Unlocking vector processing for evaluation at the system level Manfred Schlägl; Moritz Stockinger; Daniel Große DATE 2024, pp 1-6 University
Threshold Voltage based Dual Memristor Crossbar PUF Aref Al-Tamimi; Shawkat Ali; Yuan Cao; Amine Bermak AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 175, February 2024 Elsevier / ScienceDirect
Integrating SystemC-AMS Power Modeling with a RISC-V ISS for Virtual Prototyping of Battery-operated Embedded Devices Mohamed Amine Hamdi; Giovanni Pollo; Matteo Risso; Germain Haugou; Alessio Burrello; Enrico Macii; Massimo Poncino; Sara Vinco; Daniele Jahier Pagliari Computing Frontiers Workshops and Special Sessions (CF '24 Companion), May 2024 arXiv
On Simulation of Power Systems and Microgrid Components with SystemC-AMS Rahul Bhadani; Satyaki Banik; Hao Tu; Srdjan Lukic; Gabor Karsa Electrical Engineering and Systems Science > Systems and Control arXiv
Model-based Design Tool for Cyber-physical Power Systems using SystemC-AMS Rahul Bhadani; Satyaki Banik; Hao Tu; Srdjan Lukic; Gabor Karsai Electrical Engineering and Systems Science > Systems and Control arXiv
An ASCON AOP-SystemC Environment for Security Fault Analysis Hassen Mestiri; Imen Barraj; Mouna Bedoui; Mohsen Machhout Design and Analysis of Symmetric Encryption Modes of Operation MDPI
SystemC Model of Power Side-Channel Attacks Against AI Accelerators: Superstition or not? Andrija Nešković; Saleh Mulhem; Alexander Treff; Rainer Buchty; Thomas Eisenbarth; Mladen Berekovic Computer Science > Hardware Architecture arXiv
GUI-VP Kit: A RISC-V VP meets Linux graphics - enabling interactive graphical application development Manfred Schlägl; Daniel Große GLSVLSI 2023 pp. 599-605 University
A performance-centric ML-based multi-application mapping technique for regular Network-on-Chip Jitesh Choudhary; Chitrapu Sai Sudarsan; Soumya J. Memories - Materials, Devices, Circuits and Systems, Volume 4 Elsevier / ScienceDirect
SystemC-based Co-Simulation/Analysis for System-Level Hardware/Software Co-Design Vittoriano Muttillo; Luigi Pomante; Marco Santic; Giacomo Valente Computers and Electrical Engineering, Volume 110 Elsevier / ScienceDirect
Equivalence Checking of System-Level and SPICE-Level Models of Linear Circuits Kemal Çağlar Coşkun; Muhammad Hassan; Rolf Drechsler Chips Open Access Journal MDPI
DRAMSys4.0: An Open-Source Simulation Framework for In-depth DRAM Analyses Lukas Steiner; Matthias Jung; Felipe S. Prado; Kirill Bykov; Norbert Wehn International Journal of Parallel Programming Springer Link
AMAIX In-Depth: A Generic Analytical Model for Deep Learning Accelerators Niko ZurStassen; Lukas Jünger; Tim Kogel; Holger Keding; Rainer Leupers International Journal of Parallel Programming Springer Link
Simulating Neural Network Processors Jian Hu; Xianlong Zhang; Xiaohua Shi Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Hindawi
SymEx-VP: An open source virtual prototype for OS-agnostic concolic testing of IoT firmware Sören Tempel; Vladimir Herdt; Rolf Drechsler Journal of Systems Architecture Elsevier / ScienceDirect
Advanced virtual prototyping for cyber-physical systems using RISC-V: implementation, verification and challenges Vladimir Herdt; Rolf Drechsler Science China Information Sciences Springer Link
A Service-Oriented Component-Based Framework for Dynamic Reconfiguration Modeling Targeting SystemC/TLM Khaled Allem; El-Bay Bourennane; Youcef Khelfaoui International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing Hindawi
RISC-V Virtual Platform-Based Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator Implemented in SystemC Seung-Ho Lim; WoonSik William Suh; Jin-Young Kim; Sang-Young Cho Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS) MDPI
Cosimulation of Power and Temperature Models at the SystemC/TLM for a Soft-Core Processor Abdelhakim Alali; Mohamed Sadik; Kaoutar Aamali Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Hindawi
Pushing the Limits of Parallel Discrete Event Simulation for SystemC Rainer Dömer; Zhongqi Cheng; Daniel Mendoza; Emad Arasteh A Journey of Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Springer Link
Standard-compliant Parallel SystemC simulation of Loosely-Timed Transaction Level Models Gabriel Busnot; Tanguy Sassolas; Nicolas Ventroux; Matthieu Moy Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference HAL
Automation of Dynamic Power Management in FPGA-Based Energy-Constrained Systems Michal Škuta; Dominik Macko; Katarína Jelemenská IEEE Journal Article Volume 8 IEEE
SystemC hardware in the loop simulation scheme Hongyun Zheng; Xianghu Wu; Yongchao Tao IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 768 IOP Science
A SystemC-AMS Framework for the Design and Simulation of Energy Management in Electric Vehicles Yukai Chen; Donkyu Baek; Jaemin Kim; Santa Di Cataldo;Naehyuck Chang; Enrico Macii; Sara Vinco; Massimo Poncino IEEE Journal Article, Volume 7 IEEE